August 16, 2012

What's The Quickest Way To Level In Mists Of Pandaria ?

Leveling up in one of the most important task for wow players to enjoy game. With the news of Mists of Pandaria coming up soon,various of players are searching for the best answers toward "the quickest way to level up in Mists Of Pandaria". What's the quickest/ fastest way to level up in Mists ?

If Mists is similar to Cataclysm, the absolute fastest way to level would be doing quests as fast as you possibly can and switching zones whenever the quest levels no longer match your level.

Blizzard has always been adamant about making questing the most efficient way to level, as to encourage players to experience the story. Though, if you are speeding through, you'll likely miss a good chunk of it.

With the addition of dungeon quests, random dungeon rewards and considering the group xp bonus for killing mobs, running dungeons back-to-back might be competitive with solo questing. You'll want to make sure you have MoP green gear or better first (ilevel ~320 cata items probably won't be enough to take on MoP dungeons). Better gear faster xp in the dungeon, unlike solo questing.

You can level up in both the Valley of the Four Winds or in Krasarang Wilds. I recall an explanation that you will be able to decide whether you go north or south. This might be one of those elements that gives you a unique experience when you level your second character from 85 to 90.

To level up from lvl85 to lvl 89, you can get in Kun-Lai Summit. Thinking that you can head there after doing either Valley of the Four Winds or Krasarang Summit, or both at level 88. Either way, this place looks awesome. Blizzard has mentioned how “massive” the snow capped mountain is going to seem. Remember, no flying mounts.

The final level 90 can be earned in either the Dead Wastes or Townlong Steppes. After level 89 you can head to the center of the continent to Vale of Eternal Blossoms. These remind me of Storm Peaks and Icecrown Citadel, where you end up finishing half of one or the other zone and then only completing the rest for extra wow gold, achievements and fun.

In fact, the quickest way to level up in Mists Of Pandaria are almost similar to cataclysm. And also the easiest way to level up fast is doing repetitive quests.Or if you prefer to level up quickest and easisest,you can choose professional wow service website such as to buy cheapest mop gold.

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Tongzhouseo May0816

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