March 20, 2012

What Are The Chances To Get Caught Buying Gold WoW In 2012 ?

What are the chances of get caught buying gold wow in 2012 ? It is actually becoming a universally known that many wow players have great interest in buying wow gold. Actually,in the past years,there are a lot of them have already put this interest into practice and they have been buying wow gold from online wow gold sites for many times.However,many wow players who hesitate to buy wow gold in 2012 still want to know the chances to get caught buying gold wow in 2012 to avoid any accidence.

In fact,there's nothing much changes buying Gold In WOW in the past years.Chances on this vary depending on how a company operates, but there's a few warning signs. Accounts are being hacked or created in order to transfer wow gold from their accounts to yours, and if you happen to be included in one such transaction, you will get a warning or have your account banned.

Blizzard fraud employees can check your character's transactions, mails, trades and purchases, and if your account is flagged they will continue to monitor the chain to enable mass-banning at set times.

Blizzard doesn't like some things in their games. One of the main things they dislike and is highlighted in numerous places throughout their Terms of Service is the real world buying of gold from offline vendors. So, they reserve the right to delete the account of anyone caught doing so. Hours of your life go into building up your account. It has both time and money invested into it and if you get your account deleted, you're losing a lot of your game life. You'll need to buy a new one. Not only that, but you're giving your credit card number away to an unknown entity who will supposedly deliver EU Wow gold to you in game. Identity theft is a major risk.

In 2012,the chances to get caught are mininal.In my opinions,if you are quite careful choosing a safe and trusted wow gold seller,do not blinding to pursue the cheaper wow gold and avoid those troubles which may lead you lost your wow account,you will never put your account into risk buying wow gold online.

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