May 6, 2012

How to Prepare Your Character For the MoP Beta

Beta keys have been being unleashed left as good as right for Mists of Pandaria.Beta keys are being unleashed left and right for Mists of Pandaria. While anyone with beta access can create a pandaren and try out the starting zone, that zone is a little clogged right now. Buy wow gold with 100% lowest price. Wow gold delivered within 5- 15 mins. Enjoy so cool trading here! Taking a stroll through the Jade Forest might be more up your alley -- it's the first zone we'll encounter as we level from 85 to 90. All you need is a level 85 character, and you can teleport right over to the Jade Forest and begin your journey.

While there are options for premade characters on the beta servers, it may not be the right option for you. After all, most players are far more comfortable with their own characters than they are with a random level 85. Plus you get the added insight of just how far your current gear, enchants and gems will take you when the game goes live. Blizzard has a feature that allows you to copy your characters over to the beta servers for just that purpose -- but before you do it, there are some things you should prepare for.
Empty your mailbox. If you have any outstanding mail sitting in your mailbox, take it out. Mail can muck up the character copy process, and you don't want that.

While doing a character copy to the Mists of Pandaria beta there is no rule stating that you must empty out this particular clutter.Take all the gold you can carry. You don't exactly need a ton of gold on the beta servers, but it certainly helps when you have to pay for incidentals. If you have multiple characters on your account, you can send all your gold to the character you're going to copy. Once the character has successfully copied over, you can redistribute your gold back to your stable of alts without worry.

Your add-ons will not move with you. Add-ons that work for you in current content won't necessarily work on the beta servers. You're going to be dealing with the standard WOW client, including the standard action bars.Cheap wow gold online store welcomes you! Here is the world biggest wow gold and wow power leveling trading centre. If it's been years since you've worked with the standard UI, you may want to try turning off your add-ons in Cataclysm and experiment with Blizzard's UI to see where all of your various buttons will go.

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Tongzhouseo May0507