April 18, 2012

Mists Of Pandaria New Mounts & New Rides

In Mists of Pandaria,the Pandaren mounts vary greatly, starting from Pandaren Kites and Serpents to Yaks, a Jade Tiger, a water-strider etc.What will it be like with some new mounts & new rides in Mists Of Pandaria ?

Ground mount will either be the old school ZG tiger or the blue bug from arch. Flying will prob be switching between my pureblood firehawk or iron-bound proto drake with wow gold EU online.

You'll immediately notice that the Dragon Turtle mounts have a much-expected kodo feel to them, mixed in with some raised-platform, elekk-style riding. There is even a keg on top and pandaren emblems on the turtle knee pads, signifying that these will more than likely be the racial mount of the pandaren.

Some are anxious to see that golden lion mount that's rewarded to players who complete all the Gold Challenge Medals.

Crane birds look spectacular. Honestly, I didn't know what else Blizzard could do with the tallstrider/hawkstrider skeleton -- but lo and behold, I have been surprised. And they look gorgeous. (Poor crane bird that has to seat a tauren, though. Might need a different type of crane, if you get my drift.)

Lots of players love jeweled voltron tigers but it seems they added much more detail compared to previous iterations of that mount (note the swirled decoration in the legs and chest). The only flaw (and it is a very slight one) is that the saddle of all the jeweled panther mounts have a saddle which is an ugly, sickly green color.

The jeweled panthers have this interesting, matte feel to them, with bright colors that look more like bright stone or metal than shiny gems, which I really enjoy. They look more and more like the Voltron lions every iteration.

The crane mounts are a fusion between Hawkstriders and Plainstriders.

New mounts & new rides in Mists Of Pandaria will make world of warcraft much fun to play with. Well,what kind of new mount do you expect to come in Mists of Pandaria? What other types of mounts would you like to see? To get more news about Mists of Pandaria and to stock up enough Wow Gold to buy new mounts& new rides,you can go to fedexwowgold.com to get satisfied wow service.

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Tongzhouseo May0418